This page is for educational purposes for my clients, potential clients and any permanent makeup artists who want to be well informed on various methods of removal. I welcome you to learn from my experiences with corrective work, permanent makeup and microblading removal.


Amy Louise offers 'Li-Ft' salt and saline permanent makeup removal.


Sometimes a cover up of poorly done permanent makeup is not possible. If this is the case then you will need to have some kind of removal or reduction in colour before any new work can be applied. If you come for a consultation presenting old microblading or permanent makeup which I cannot effectively cover up and make good for you I will recommend removal.


From my experience I feel the biggest reason why clients aren't happy with their permanent makeup and come to me for removal and corrections is unfortunately down to the practitioners lack of knowledge in pigment science and understanding of how it ages long term. Poor technique or going too deep into the skin is just part of the reason.


I see many artists using inorganic pigments in their procedures. This is old and outdated pigment technology and the newer organic pigments are quickly taking over the permanent makeup industry. Organic pigments are around five times higher price than the older inorganic ranges so I see why some practitioners hesitate as you can't just buy one colour fits all, you need to invest in a decent selection of shades to start out. Inorganic pigments are unstable in their colour retention which means that the pigment changes as it heals and ages. This can leave you with orange, pink, or purple eyebrows within a year or so of treatment.


I see some artists trying to correct thick eyebrows by tattooing 'skin colour' pigment on the outer edges of the tattooed area. This may work well in the short term but as it ages the corrective pigment will turn a pastel white due to the high content of titanium dioxide in the lighter coloured pigments used to do this. This is why I recommend removal over cover up's when I can't make good of your existing permanent makeup. You will always need removal eventually as cover up's don't always work well. There are some treatments that tattoo 'foundation' or under the eyes for dark circles. This is when a pigment with a high content of titanium dioxide is tattooed into the skin creating a fresh and flawless complexion. High contents of titanium dioxide will eventually turn pastel white. When the client gets a suntan, the face looks like a mask eventually looking patchy over time. There is more and more clients wanting removal of this aged treatment as the long term results are heartbreaking. I also often see lip tattooing which has been done beyond the vermilion (lip line) border. Some practitioners are doing this in the hope that they will be creating a fuller lip for the client. But this can only be done by using fillers. Permanent makeup won't make your lips fuller, it can create the illusion, but to actually get fuller lips you will need to see a nurse or doctor to inject fillers for you. This is another subject I could write an essay on!


There are three main ways to remove permanent makeup and microblading. Each option has it's pros and cons. Some of which I have listed below. All methods of removal carry a risk of scarring so client suitability is key. I advise my clients on all options and then it is up to them to choose which avenue to take. The options are:


  • Salt and saline tattoo removal

  • chemical removal

  • Laser removal


None of these options are guaranteed to remove 100% of the unwanted colour which is why it's important to choose a practitioner that will be skilled enough to offer a cover up once you get to that stage. New permanent makeup may not be possible for up to three months after the last removal session to ensure that the skin is fully healed. Hair strokes are not always possible after removal as the skin can be spongy in texture. If this is the case, hair strokes will spread as they heal creating a smudged brow, so a soft powder brow will be the only option. If the skin recovers well then hair strokes or a combination of hair strokes and powder can be done. Microneedling can improve the skin's texture before having new permanent makeup done if needed. I offer the salt and saline method at my clinic. I have many years experience with laser removal from working at a dermatologist clinic. I do not own a laser at my clinic so don't offer this method however, I have knowledge and experience with this treatment to give you the information you need. Here is an overview of each removal option.



Salt and saline permanent makeup and microblading removal:

There are many salt and saline products in the market to remove unwanted microblading and permanent makeup. You can also literally just mix salt with saline for a simple option and tattoo it into the skin. I've tried and tested many products and have settled with Li-Ft as the results are far superior to that of other brands. It also has Aloe Vera in the ingredients which has a calming effect on the skin which is unique to the Li-Ft brand.


If you are needing emergency permanent makeup removal you must start this procedure within 24 hours of having your permanent makeup procedure. Emergency removal is extremely effective as it removes the pigment particles before they fully settle into the skin. So if you have been to a poorly experienced practitioner and have instantly regretted your decision I can help you! Please do not delay contacting me and let me know you need emergency removal.

Treatment procedure: The skin is numbed with a topical anesthetic cream called LMX4. Then the salt and saline liquid is tattooed into the skin using a needle which is normally used for shading. This helps the product penetrate the skin evenly and effectively. During the procedure the skin absorbs the salt into the broken skin, and the implanted pigments are reached by the product. The particles of tattooed pigment are pushed out with the blood and lymphatic fluid. The area will be slightly red and sensitive during the healing process and will take a while for the skin to return to normal. The next session of removal will be done at 4-6 weeks intervals depending on the client's skin healing capability. Normally between 2 and 6 sessions are needed. 

Pros: least invasive, quickest healing time, natural ingredients, hypoallergenic, least risk of adverse reactions can be used on the most sensitive skin types. For over saturated pigment it can be performed before laser to reduce colour significantly as a cheaper/less invasive alternative then finish off with one or two laser sessions if still needed. This method of removal is the only one that can be used as emergency removal.

Cons: not effective for over saturated colour however it will still lighten the pigment, maximum 6 sessions.


Amy Louise offers 'Li-Ft' salt and saline permanent makeup removal.

Laser permanent makeup and microblading removal:

I stress that if you opt for laser removal that you choose your technician carefully. Make sure they are highly experienced in their field. Laser removal can be done on lips, brows and eyeliner. I recommend laser to my clients who present with over saturated pigment which will likely take more than 6 sessions of salt and saline or I start them off on Saline and then the last of the pigment will be lasered off. Different colours of pigment require different laser wavelengths to remove the pigment effectively. This is because the laser is a direct beam of light that is specifically attracted to certain colour shades. You need to ensure that the laser equipment is capable of removing the colours you have in your unwanted permanent makeup. Your laser technician should have a full understanding of laser science and exactly what wavelength is needed. For example 1064nm is required to remove black or brown pigment and 694.3nm to remove green or blue pigment. Pastel white including camouflage pigment is complicated because it turns black when treated with laser light before it can be effectively removed.

Treatment procedure: Normally the skin will not be numbed before as the client needs to feedback to the technician on how the skin is feeling to avoid a burn. The sensation feels like hot oil splattering on the skin and each laser shot makes a pop sound. When eyeliner is being removed eye shields need to be worn on the inside of the eyelids to protect the retinas. This method is the only safe way to remove unwanted or migrated eyeliner. Depending on the strength of the laser, treatments need to be spaced 4-12 weeks apart and 1-10 treatments are normally needed. The effect on the skin and healing depends on the strength of the laser power, the wavelength used and the amount of pigment being removed. The skin will be slightly swollen and red after. Blistering can happen and the area must be kept cool during the healing process.

Pros: only method to remove eyeliner, quick effective treatment, good for over saturated colour can be performed after saline removal to finish off the process.

Cons: painful, blistering can occur, risk of burns resulting in scarring, long healing times for higher power treatments, costly treatment due to the high price of effective lasers.



Chemical permanent makeup and microblading removal:

There are many brands for chemical removal and it's more widely used in tattoo shops to remove standard tattoos instead of permanent makeup however it can be done for both. This is due to the skin reaction during and after treatment. It's not always an option on the face as can be quite uncomfortable and the reaction in the skin can be too much for the face.

Treatment procedure: The method is similar to that of salt and saline as the chemical solution is tattooed into the skin with a shading needle. The difference is that it is a chemical remover which causes more of a reaction in the skin. If done well, the results can be quick and effective at removing unwanted permanent makeup. The reaction in the skin is a foaming, bubbling action as it is tattooed into the skin. This pushes out the particles of pigment as the chemical reaction takes place. Afterwards the skin will feel slightly sunburned and swollen. A crust forms on the skin and it will take around 8-12 weeks to heal between sessions. Normally 1-4 treatments are needed to be effective.


Pros: quick effective treatment, cheaper method of removal compared to laser.


Cons: risk of bad skin reaction, long healing time, higher risk of allergic reactions and adverse reactions due to chemicals used, not always possible on the face due to skin reaction and being close to the eyes is a further risk, not to be used on sensitive skins.