Hey, thanks for taking a look at the information pages of my website that I have written. I hope you find it informative, interesting and it will hopefully help you decide if PMU is really for you.

I love working with highly sensitive and mature skin types. About 80% of my clientele who come to me for PMU over 50 and have sparse natural eyebrows for a number of reasons. My particular style of working is very soft and natural. I don't follow fashions when I do permanent makeup. I want to give you a super natural style that will still look great in years to come whether or not you regularly have your yearly colour boost. I only use organic pigments for the best results and my other reasons for this are explained on my blog page if you want to know more. I mostly do hair stroke eyebrows which is the softest, most subtle style to go for. If you want to have a super natural result with softly curved hair strokes that compliment your natural brows, (if any) then I'd love to help you! You can book in for a free, no obligation consultation via my book now button so that we can find out how permanent makeup can change your life! I'm so excited to join you on this journey and thank you for choosing me to be your artist. 

Lip tattooing can create a beautiful perfect pout. Lips can be quite pale on many people and it gives the face a healthy, youthful glow when the lips are peachy pink. You can choose from either a lip blush, full lip colour or a pout perfection procedure. This treatment is not to create solid red lips - Amy Louise recommends saving the lipstick for that. This procedure is more to enhance your natural beauty so that you feel polished and confident everyday when you are not wearing any makeup. Lip tattooing can improve any asymmetry on the lips. 


Lip blush defines the lip line and a shading technique is used to soften the liner into your natural lip colour. This is the most natural style of lip tattooing. 


Full lip colour is a lip line and the whole lips are shaded with the chosen colour to create perfect symmetry in the lips and a beautiful colour which gives vibrancy to your face making you look healthy and youthful. 


Ombre lips is a full lip colour with an extra layer of colour in the centre of the pout and a super defined lip line. This area will have a slightly lighter shade and it creates the illusion of fuller lips. This particular style is better for larger lips

Dark Lips neutralisation is a treatment to lighten melanin rich lips. An orange pigment is implanted gently over the lips to subtly brighten darker patches on the lips. After the neutralisation session is healed a wider range of colour selection is suitable for these types o lips. 

Prepare - How to prepare for your lip tattoo

  • If you're concerned with deep wrinkles around the mouth or desire noticeably fuller-looking lips, I recommend you consider having fillers done 8+ weeks before your procedure. Deep lines around the lips can result in a jagged-looking lip line naturally. As I do not tattoo outside of the lip line, permanent lip colour will not make the lips significantly fuller but can add slight fullness by adding colour to the lip line and body of the lips.

  • In the 3 days before your procedure, you may want to begin a regimen of arnica tablets. This will help to prevent excess swelling which means a better healed result. (I am not a medical professional; this is just a suggestion based on personal experiences and advanced education. Always consult your doctor before using any new vitamins or supplements).

  • If you have ever had a cold sore, you must begin antiviral regimen at least 1 week before your procedure and plan to continue treatment until 1 week after. The trauma to the skin is likely to cause breakouts for those that have experienced them in the past and can even trigger breakouts in those that never experienced them. Over the counter acyclovir can be used or oral tablets. please consult your doctor before booking this procedure. You will need a separate consultation with myself to discuss how we manage the risks of getting an outbreak.

Aftercare - How to care for your lip tattoo

What to expect: Most clients leave their lip appointment with noticeable swelling, bold colour and sometimes bruising. This is a normal part of the process and nothing to worry about. Swelling and bruising typically starts to go down within just a few hours and almost entirely by the following day. Peeling often occurs between days 3 and 10. When the peeling is complete, the lips will look much lighter. Sometimes it can look like all or most of the colour has disappeared. Please don't worry as this is completely normal at this particular stage of the healing process. By the time the skin fully healed (4-6 weeks) the colour will have blossomed back up a bit.

What to do: Immediately after your appointment feel free to apply generous layers of aftercare balm with a clean cotton bud as often as you'd like. Hydrated lips will heal more comfortably. Blot as needed between applications. cleanse twice a day morning and evening with a gentle foam cleanser. Many clients like to ice the area to reduce swelling, just be sure to use a clean towel between the skin and the ice and don't over-do it. You should not need to apply aftercare balm for more than 10 days.


What to avoid for 10 days: Steam rooms, saunas, tanning beds, excessive steam/sweating, makeup or skincare within 1 inch, scratching, picking, sun, swimming and spray tanning. It is also critical that you avoid any very hot/spicy/acidic food during the healing process. Avoid having any dental work done, smoking, excessive stretching or rubbing the mouth, teeth whitening, sleeping on the face (if you can help it) and applying and lip product not recommended by Amy Louise.


What to avoid indefinitely: Retinol/acids/exfoliants within 1 inch, unprotected sun exposure.

Please note dark lips neutralisation is needed before 4-6 weeks before lip colour application for Fitzpatrick skin types 5 & 6 (meaning darker skin types for example - Asian, black) due to the risk of hyperpigmentation on the lips. A full treatment plan will be made for you at your consultation appointment.


Before you arrive at the clinic please make sure you have prepared for your cosmetic tattoo appropriately for the best results.

  • Remove any pricings obstructing the area to be treated.

  • Do not exercise on the day of your procedure.

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, vitamin E, Aspirin and Ibuprofen for 24 hours before.

  • Do not take fish oil or CBD for 1 week before.

  • Do not have electrolysis, laser hair removal, or any waxing done in the area within 1 week in case of burning/irritation.

  • Minimize sun exposure and avoid tanning beds for 2 weeks prior (I cannot work on sunburnt skin)

  • Do not have Botox done within 2 weeks before.

  • Do not have fillers done within 2 months efore.

  • Do not use retinol or retin-A products on the face within 3 weeks before.

  • Take extra precautions 2 weeks before to ensure there will be no broken skin or lesions in the area to be treated.

  • If you are on an aspirin regimen, please speak with your doctor about possibly taking a break for the 2 weeks leading up to each procedure, (initial and retouch). If possible, this will mean a much better healed result. If you're unable to take a break, I can still perform the service but may have to alter it and cannot guarantee optimal results.

  • Do not schedule any skin peels within 6 weeks before or after.


There are many contraindications to having permanent makeup services done. This is not only to ensure the best result possible, but for your safety. Safety is my absolute priority, closely followed by predictable, world-class results. Please review this section in full. Thankyou.

Medical contraindications that will require a doctors note:

  • Epilepsy

  • Diabetes

  • Recently completed Chemotherapy (within the last 3 months)

  • Artificial heart valves

  • Heart, blood, liver disorders/disease.

Medical contraindications that will prevent me from performing your procedure:

  • Allergies to dyes and/or numbing agents: Please make me aware of any allergies upon booking.

  • Vitiligo that has not been stable for 7 or more years.

  • Uncontrolled haemophilia: Excessive bleeding will result in a poor healed result.

  • Any medication that thins the blood such as Asprin or Warfarin.

  • Any Medication that thins your skin such as Roaccutane or topical steroids within the last 6 months.

  • HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, lupus, any immune disease/disorder, active staph/MRSA infection and uncontrolled blood pressure issues: I do not anticipate desirable healed results when any of these concerns are present and I cannot ensure that this will be a safe procedure for those with compromised immune systems.

  • Accutane usage within the last year: The skin will be too thin/delicate to achieve a desirable healed result.

  • Current antibiotic use: Several side effects can hinder healed results.

  • Active psoriasis/eczema breakouts within 1 inch of the area to be treated.

  • History of keloid scarring after even minor injuries: A keloid could result after permanent makeup for these clients.

  • Over filled lips (lip clients only) The risk of pigment migrating under the skin is too high.

  • Pregnancy and/or breastfeeding: As tattoo inks/pigments are not regulated by the FDA, I cannot assume responsibility for the effects that they may have on non-consenting minors. Additionally, anytime the skin is broken, there is a risk of infection. I cannot risk the transmission of infection to an unborn or new born baby. And finally, I cannot use numbing agents on pregnant/breastfeeding clients. Numbing agents not only make the services comfortable, but are typically necessary for me to create the best work possible.

  • Any vaccinations within two weeks before or after your procedure (including covid vaccines). vaccines boost the immune response and there have been some reports of an exaggerated immune response when PMU and a vaccine have been performed close together.

If any of the contraindications listed above prevent you from getting your service done on the day of, an automatic cancellation fee will be processed, so please be sure to read this page thoroughly, and reach out with any questions right away.

I strongly recommend booking in for a separate consultation and test patch appointment before your initial procedure but if you prefer to not have the test patch then you can sign to say you are declining my offer/recommendation of a test patch. A test patch can also be sent in the post to you prior to your appointment if you wish. Please get in touch if you would like me to post it to you.