Hey, thanks for taking a look at the information pages of my website that I have written. I hope you find it informative, interesting and it will hopefully help you decide if PMU is really for you.

I love working with highly sensitive and mature skin types. About 80% of my clientele who come to me for PMU are over 50 and have sparse natural eyebrows for a number of reasons. My particular style of working is very soft and natural. I don't follow fashions when I do permanent makeup. I want to give you a really natural style that will still look great in years to come, whether or not you regularly have your yearly colour boost. I only use organic pigments for the best results and my other reasons for this are explained on my blog page if you want to know more. I mostly do hair stroke eyebrows which is the softest, most subtle style to go for. If you want to have a super natural result with softly curved hair strokes that compliment your natural brows, (if any) then I'd love to help you! You can book in for a free, no obligation consultation via my book now button so that we can find out how permanent makeup can change your life! I'm so excited to join you on this journey and thank you for choosing me to be your artist. 



I understand the difficulties my clients have with blonde or fair eyebrows before discovering permanent makeup. It's really difficult finding a good shade of brow makeup and then carefully applying to avoid it looking too dark or bold. You may not even want to entertain brow makeup for this reason but wish your brows had just a little bit more definition to them. When researching permanent makeup you may come across many bold darker brows that look great on other ladies but it's a genuine worry that people will see your eyebrows before the rest of you! This is why over my years of experience, I have created a special way to treat blonde ladies that never fails me. I always work with caution and I intentionally start slightly lighter and gradually build the colour up to the perfect shade for your eyebrows. I recommend Nano (tiny) hair strokes or a super soft powder style so that your new permanent makeup doesn't take over the rest of your face. A subtle enhancement is always the best way with this type.


The troubles with whites and silvers are similar to those of blondes however there are clear differences that are vitally important. A more mature skin behaves differently in the way that the pigment tends to heal darker and stronger. It is more likely to blur out quicker after healing and turn ashy in colour. Therefore I treat these ladies with exceptional caution. When the brow hair turns grey there is often a real mix of colours in the eyebrows. I work with this and colour match your brows also with a mix of colours. Sometimes the only way to get the most natural style is to use a pallet of brow pigments to build up a natural style gently in the skin. I only ever use a single Nano needle on these clients to cause the least amount of skin trauma and to get the finest hair strokes possible. The skin will have an easier healing process therefore holding the colour better in the skin. I always start lighter and build up the colour slowly and add colour at the retouch appointment 4-6 weeks later rather than being over confident in the first session.


Brunettes have a different challenges altogether. The slightest of asymmetry in the eyebrows is really obvious and this causes the daily struggle with trying to shape them. This is where permanent makeup can save you so much time and give the relief if having a beautiful set of perfectly symmetrical eyebrows. I have several methods that I like to use to ensure I create perfect symmetry with your eyebrows and also the most beautiful shape for your face. I use the string mapping method, calliper and brow rulers. Occasionally by using measurements only the brows can still look a little 'off' due to the muscle tonal differences in everyone's unique face. This is when my 20 something years experience in the beauty industry comes in really handy. I then make any adjustments by eye to ensure the shape, thickness, symmetry and location of the brows are absolutely perfect.


I have many clients with black and deep brown coloured eyebrows. It can be very difficult creating a natural look with makeup and getting a subtle enhancement to dark eyebrows can be tricky as the makeup selections can often be too bold. A lot of black pigments heal slightly ashy over time, so I use top quality organic pigments that hold true to colour to avoid this problem from ever happening. In darker skin tones you can sometimes have the problem of not enough contrast in colour from the eyebrows and skin, so I usually recommend a powder brow or a combination of powder and hair strokes to get the desired definition of the eyebrows.


Here is a sketch of the three main eyebrow styles listed above. It is sketched on white background so that you can clearly see the differences.

Hair stroke brows also known as microblading are my specialty and also the most natural style. I Use your own brow hair (if any) to guide the direction of the hair strokes to create the most natural looking perfect brows. If you suffer from Alopecia or any other condition causing you to have no brow hair at all I will create a natural hair stroke direction that naturally suits your facial features. This style works best on a balanced and smooth skin type. The result is achieved by using a gentle stroking action.


Ombre powder brows is a soft powder style that is more of a makeup appearance however this can still be applied very softly. This style will suit you better if you have an excessively oily or dry skin type or an uneven skin surface in the brow area. Ombre is created using a shading technique where the bulb of the brow is lighter and softer, and the arch and tail is bolder and deeper in colour. Simple powder is a soft shading of the brow area to create the perfect shape and frame the eyes. the result is achieved by using pointillism and shading action.


Combination brows are a combination of both hair stroke and powdering. If your skin is not suited to hair strokes but you still prefer that look then a combination brow may be recommended to you. This is where a natural hair stroke pattern is created, and the brows are then filled out with some powder shading. This makes the brows appear fuller and the results last longer than hair strokes alone. This style is best when you have a small amount of eyebrow hair and want to have a natural yet fuller style.


Before you arrive at the clinic please make sure you have prepared for your cosmetic tattoo appropriately for the best results.

  • Remove any pricings obstructing the area to be treated.

  • Do not exercise on the day of your procedure.

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, vitamin E, Aspirin and Ibuprofen for 24 hours before.

  • Do not take fish oil or CBD for 1 week before.

  • Do not have electrolysis, laser hair removal, or any waxing done in the area within 1 week in case of burning/irritation.

  • Minimize sun exposure and avoid tanning beds for 2 weeks prior (I cannot work on sunburnt skin)

  • Do not have Botox done within 2 weeks before.

  • Do not have fillers done within 2 months efore.

  • Do not use retinol or retin-A products on the face within 3 weeks before.

  • Take extra precautions 2 weeks before to ensure there will be no broken skin or lesions in the area to be treated.

  • If you are on an aspirin regimen, please speak with your doctor about possibly taking a break for the 2 weeks leading up to each procedure, (initial and retouch). If possible, this will mean a much better healed result. If you're unable to take a break, I can still perform the service but may have to alter it and cannot guarantee optimal results.

  • Do not schedule any skin peels within 6 weeks before or after.

Prepare - How to prepare for your eyebrow tattoo

Brow growth serums should not be used for 4 weeks prior to your procedure. Over the counter serums must be stopped for 2 weeks before the procedure. To protect your investment, do not continue using brow growth serums and over the counter serums until 4 weeks after your retouch procedure.

Aftercare - How to care for your eyebrow tattoo

What to expect: When you leave, your brows may look bigger due to swelling, warmer in colour, darker and more defined. This is normal. On day 3-5, your brows may begin to lightly peel, and this will last for a few days. When the peeling is done, the brows will look lighter, cooler in colour and softer around the edges. It may look patchy in areas or like most of the colour had disappeared. Please don't worry as this is completely normal at this stage of the healing process. This happens because you have just lost the surface of colour. By the time the skin fully heals through during the course of 4-6 weeks, the colour will have blossomed back up a bit. All permanent makeup treatments require a retouch to ensure the best possible colour retention and longevity of the results.

What to do: For 10 days or until peeling begins, cleanse twice daily with plain antibacterial foaming cleaner and follow with a thin layer of aftercare balm. When you're cleansing, you want to be gentle, but do cleanse as if you're trying to gently remove something. When you're applying the aftercare balm, you'll only need about the size of a grain of rice for both brows combined. If you have thick/coarse brow hair, be sure to press the aftercare balm through to the skin. Once peeling begins you should stop cleaning and applying the aftercare balm.


What to avoid until peeling is completely done, or for 10 days if no peeling occurs: Steam rooms, saunas, tanning beds, excessive steam/sweating, makeup or skincare within 1 inch, scratching, picking, sun, swimming and spray tanning.


What to avoid indefinitely: Retinol/acids/exfoliants within 1 inch, unprotected sun exposure.


There are many contraindications to having permanent makeup services done. This is not only to ensure the best result possible, but for your safety. Safety is my absolute priority, closely followed by predictable, world-class results. Please review this section in full. Thankyou.

Medical contraindications that will require a doctors note:

  • Epilepsy

  • Diabetes

  • Recently completed Chemotherapy (within the last 3 months)

  • Artificial heart valves

  • Heart, blood, liver disorders/disease.

Medical contraindications that will prevent me from performing your procedure:

  • Allergies to dyes and/or numbing agents: Please make me aware of any allergies upon booking.

  • Vitiligo that has not been stable for 7 or more years.

  • Uncontrolled haemophilia: Excessive bleeding will result in a poor healed result.

  • Any medication that thins the blood such as Asprin or Warfarin.

  • Any Medication that thins your skin such as Roaccutane or topical steroids within the last 6 months.

  • HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, lupus, any immune disease/disorder, active staph/MRSA infection and uncontrolled blood pressure issues: I do not anticipate desirable healed results when any of these concerns are present and I cannot ensure that this will be a safe procedure for those with compromised immune systems.

  • Accutane usage within the last year: The skin will be too thin/delicate to achieve a desirable healed result.

  • Current antibiotic use: Several side effects can hinder healed results.

  • Active psoriasis/eczema breakouts within 1 inch of the area to be treated.

  • History of keloid scarring after even minor injuries: A keloid could result after permanent makeup for these clients.

  • Over filled lips (lip clients only) The risk of pigment migrating under the skin is too high.

  • Pregnancy and/or breastfeeding: As tattoo inks/pigments are not regulated by the FDA, I cannot assume responsibility for the effects that they may have on non-consenting minors. Additionally, anytime the skin is broken, there is a risk of infection. I cannot risk the transmission of infection to an unborn or new born baby. And finally, I cannot use numbing agents on pregnant/breastfeeding clients. Numbing agents not only make the services comfortable, but are typically necessary for me to create the best work possible.

  • Any vaccinations within two weeks before or after your procedure (including covid vaccines). vaccines boost the immune response and there have been some reports of an exaggerated immune response when PMU and a vaccine have been performed close together.

If any of the contraindications listed above prevent you from getting your service done on the day of, an automatic cancellation fee will be processed, so please be sure to read this page thoroughly, and reach out with any questions right away.

I strongly recommend booking in for a separate consultation and test patch appointment before your initial procedure but if you prefer to not have the test patch then you can sign to say you are declining my offer/recommendation of a test patch. A test patch can also be sent in the post to you prior to your appointment if you wish. Please get in touch if you would like me to post it to you.